
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Please Excuse My Face (A Public Selfie Announcement)

The Poetess & The Artistry Corner Presents...

Please Excuse My Face (A Public Selfie Announcement)

This poetry piece was written and performed by me, while the acting and editing in the video was given life (!!!) by my good friend, Chinwe Oniah. :)

PEMF was written as a means of conveying the inner thought process that goes on before the posting of a picture that one has taken of themselves. On many occasions, I've found myself caught between the action of capturing a moment when I feel beautiful and being perceived as vain for the same action. The poem itself is the voice in the back of my head that speaks to me before posting a 'Selfie'. Being a part of a generation where the main use of technological advancement today is to display a certain part of ourselves to the world and show them who we see ourselves to be, I felt it would be very interesting and quite hilarious to show the typical thought process during the creation of a new phenomenon on social media known as, 'the Selfie'.

I, myself, take seflies whenever the moment calls for it and am an avid supporter of this new-fangled movement. The piece encourages the taking of Selfies and sets aside the vanity one may perceive from the photo, allowing one's own perception of their personal beauty shine through.

The purpose of this piece is encourage people not feel ashamed for feeling beautiful and wanting to capture your personal moment of realized beauty and/or handsomeness. Let the world see you! WERRRRKKK if you will, because at the end of the day you're going to post that picture anyway and what better picture is there than one you genuinely feel good about and produced yourself? None..

  Enjoy! :)

YouTube Link (for those who can't view the video)

Until next time y'all...
Dij :)

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